What we did
Harrison Grierson’s team rolled out key infrastructure to service new residents including:
rain gardens
parking bays
cycle lanes
stormwater and wastewater networks
potable water mains
As part of the road construction and stormwater outfalls, significant earthworks meant we needed to move over 4,250 cubic meters of material across an area of 8,500 square metres. This was moved off site with some of it going to another development as cleanfill.
Erosion and sediment controls were carefully implemented to prevent the degradation of natural habitats and the pollution of adjacent estuaries and streams. Controls included sediment retention ponds, diversion bunds, silt fences, and decanting bunds.
Stormwater management also played a crucial role in the project, with the stormwater from the access roads discharging into ecologically sensitive streams and an adjacent estuary. The design of the stormwater outlets considered the environment and incorporated design elements such as gabion baskets, riprap, and geofabrics, while preserving existing protected trees.
The project adhered to green infrastructure standards and factored in coastal hazards, floodplains, and the National Policy Statement: Freshwater Management to enhance water quality, ecosystem processes, and indigenous species within water bodies.
The development also included a new wastewater pump station, gravity mains, a rising main, and an emergency overflow to service the peninsula. Collaboration with local iwi groups ensured consideration of the receiving environment, garnering their support.
Throughout the project, all designs and drawings aligned with the objectives and policies of relevant regulations, including the Resource Management Act and Auckland Unitary Plan. Potential effects related to various aspects, such as earthworks, geotechnical matters, arboriculture, ecology, natural hazards, flooding, stormwater, and infrastructure services, were carefully mitigated.