Harrison Grierson Policies

Health, Safety and Wellbeing Policy

In accordance with the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015, Harrison Grierson is passionately committed to providing a safe, healthy, and productive work environment for employees, contractors, clients, and visitors. This commitment extends to ensuring that our operations don’t knowingly put anyone at risk of injury, illness, or property damage, and ensuring that health, safety, and wellbeing is effectively implemented and maintained. 

Harrison Grierson’s Integrated Management System is certified to the international standard of ISO 45001.

Our Health and Safety at Work Policy is available to all interested parties on request. Please contact us via our online form.

Sustainability (Environmental, Social and Governance) Policy

 The intent of this policy is to set out our business approach to ensure our operations are sustainable and have a positive contribution to the environment and society.

We recognise that, as an urban development partner, we have a direct impact on the longevity of resources and the availability of safe, thriving environments in Aotearoa New Zealand. We also have a responsibility to care for the wellbeing of our company, our clients, and the wider community.

This policy also requires that our Integrated Management System is certified to the international standard of ISO 14001 and compliant with all environmental-related legislation, current industry standards and compliance obligations.

Our Sustainability (Environmental, Social and Governance) Policy is available to all interested parties on request. Please contact us via our online form.

Quality Policy

Harrison Grierson’s purpose is working together to create the future urban environments of Aotearoa. We do this by working in partnership with our clients and by delivering high quality services that meet our clients’ expectations as well as relevant statutory and regulatory requirements.

Harrison Grierson’s Integrated Management System is certified to the international standard of ISO 9001.

Our Quality Policy is available to all interested parties on request. Please contact us via our online form.